My Story

Cindy Egan

Hello!  Thanks for stopping by!

My name is Cindy Egan.  I'm a Multi-Media Artist.  I create nature and ocean inspired art

I have a passion for repurposed, functional art.  Most of my work incorporates bright, vibrant colours.  I use a variety of mediums.  Most of my recent work includes alcohol ink and resin.  Some pieces include up-cycled or repurposed materials such as fabric, paper, including paper from food packaging, pebbles, and sea glass to name a few.

My love for painting started over 30 years when I first took my first oil painting class at the age of 14. I admire the rich colours used in many of the paintings created by Tom Thomson and the group of seven and the works of Emily Carr. 

I was born and raised in Alberta in the 1970's.   After a family vacation several years ago, my husband Mark and I decided to move to Vancouver Island with our now grown 4 children in 2007.  

In addition to alcohol inks and resin, I create using oil paints, acrylic paints, watercolours and a combination of materials to create mixed media artwork.  I currently own a small online business called Seatiful where I sell women's clothing and sell my artwork online and at various local retailers and venues.

When I'm not creating artwork, my husband Mark and I spend a lot of time outdoors paddle boarding, kayaking, and walking our dog Kota.